I’m writing this in the evening. Going to write something, now. Not sure what. But, one thing I know is that I have my exams, practicals in the coming weeks and I was procrastinating prior to writing this. Do I regret it? Yes. Does it need justification? I don’t think so. Because, if I start justifying it, I’ll have to justify as to why I’m justifying my reason for procrastinating in the first place.
That’s not the point.
The point is, I’m facing creative block. Which is kind of making me lazy to do stuff. There are times when I’ve peak creatives ideas flowing through my mind and there’s times when it seems like it’s reached the saturation point and have no better ideas left to explore. This is one of those times.
What I’m feeling right now: I don’t have time for creative thinking. But, I’m subconsciously procrastinating (nice). This is because my exams are coming by and naturally have this tendency to procrastinate more and more. I’m also considering to change the pattern of putting out newsletters.
That is, I have been consistently posting every month since the start of this newsletter. Even though, my writing patterns have pivoted from talking about a specific topics to sharing experiences. There are months when all I have is exams, assignment submissions etc and there’s not much to share about except for what and how the situation is playing out at that very moment which seems repetitive, somewhat.
Today is 31st May and I have been postponing this newsletter since the past week because I’m not sure as to what I should write. I written about a lot of things on my website and am active on twitter as well. Which is why I’m reconsidering to put out newsletters only when I have my peak creative ideas flowing. So, yeah!
You can read about what I think is the core psychology behind this app, here.
That’s it for this week !