If you scroll on the internet you might’ve come across people insisting you to surround yourselves with smart people.
I agree, partially.
More than surrounding yourselves within smart people, you must talk to/ surround yourself with the right people. This may sound cliché, but I’ll explain why.
I recently got on call with a guy in his 20’s based in Toronto. This guy had enrolled in the University of Waterloo to study Business, then dropped out in a year. On asking reason for the same, he mentioned that he’d be much better off doing something that actually interests him in that timeframe. He is a Full Stack Developer and is also part of an accelerator program.
I, on the other hand am not very inclined to the programming part things and have not figured out as of yet.
The point I’m trying to make is:
Choosing the right people to talk to and hangout with are very important, more important than choosing the smart ones.
This guy I spoke to was Super Smart and Ambitious but was not from the domain I expected him to be. The conversation would have been much more fruitful if it were for a Developer in my place.